Cream of the Crop 23
Cream of the Crop 23.iso
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551 lines
2DOV13.ZIP 579,451 10-25-96 2do Intelligent Task Manager Version 1.3
| Intelligent Task Manager for Ms Windows- 2do
| is A Robust Yet Easy to use Pim. Software
| Creations Calls it 'A Powerful Pim, With
| Considerable Depth.
AB2MP094.ZIP 563,892 11-10-96 Arrowbridge II - Editor (Win)
ADDIT10.ZIP 587,539 01-14-97 Ad-winut Adding-machine V1.0 - Win Replaces
| the Calculator for Adding. All Figures
| Entered Are Editable and can be Printed As A
| List With Line Labels. List can Also be Saved
| to Disk
ALTVHLP1.ZIP 42,649 10-18-96 Windows 95 Online Help for the Altavista
| Search Engine, Which Lets You Find Web Pages
| and Newsgroup Articles. Install Them Anywhere
| (Both in the Same Folder) and Double-click
| the .Hlp File to Run It
AMEM10.ZIP 260,498 12-04-96 Ez Macros 1.0/-easy to use Keyboard and Mouse
| Macro Recorder Designed to Work With Windows
| 95 and Windows Nt. Ez Macros is Good for
| Performing Repetitive Keystrokes and Mouse
| Actions With One Keystroke.
ASWINS13.ZIP 568,634 10-09-96 Autosend 1.3b Simples Windows File-transfer
| Programm Client/Server Version.
AWACS301.ZIP 209,795 12-20-96 Awacs is A Basic System State Monitor for
| Display to Either A Mda (Mono, Digital)
| Screen or to A Pm Window on the Desktop (Or
| Both at the Same Time).
BASE64_6.ZIP 52,849 01-14-97 Base64/Mime Encoder/Decoder for Dos. Works on
| Many Different Formats, and can Split Files
| for Encoding and Decoding. Now Includes
| Windows Interface Program! -fire Frog-.
CCTASK.ZIP 153,529 01-10-97 W32_util Cctask 97.1.9. Task Manager That Has
| Priority Manipulation As Well As Many Other
| Great Features. Supports "Timed Kill"
CDRFS123.ZIP 2190,259 12-09-96 Sony Cd-rfs Software for Supported Cd Record
CHGNAM11.ZIP 143,775 01-17-97 Chgname V1.1: Pgm Renames all the Files You
| Add to the List on the Lower Half of The
| Window. The Files Are Renamed to the Name
| Entered Under "New Name" and Enumerated. It's
| Very Useful
CHIEF300.ZIP 657,203 01-10-97 Chief's Installer Pro (For Win 3.1x, Win95
| And Windows Nt). This Program is an "Off The
| Shelf" Installation Package for Windows
| Programs. It can be Used to Install Windows
| Packages of Almost Any Size
CHUNKER.ZIP 137,405 09-25-96 Chunker - Allows You to Chop, Truncate and
| Merge Large Files in Windows. This Version
| Has A 4mb Size Limitation. Requires Vbrun300
| Description Copyright 1996 Psl.
CLIPFILE.ZIP 123,084 12-26-96 Windows 95 & Nt4 Shell Extension That Copies
| the Paths of Selected Files to the Clipboard.
| Allows Selection of Long or Short Names, With
| or Without Quotes, and Will Optionally
| Recurse Folder Contents and List Full File
CLRIZER.ZIP 11,966 01-02-97 Html Colorizer 1.0. Freeware Utility to
| Design Colors for Html Pages.
CLW433.ZIP 1241,112 01-12-97 Clint for Windows and DOS 4.33 is A Major
| Upgrade to 4.26. It Replaces Earlier Versions
| Of Clint for Windows and Dos. Its C/C
| Checking is Rigorous. Windows Clint Offers
| Syntax Coloring, Advanced Professional
| Editing
CLWAKE11.ZIP 319,502 12-16-96 Coolwake V1.1 is A Sophisticated Windows95
| Alarm Program Which Allows You to Set an
| Unlimited Number of One-off and Daily Alarms
| Coolwake can use Cds and Wav Files. A Sample
| Wav is Provided.
CPIC16A.ZIP 638,073 01-03-97 Direct From Photodex Direct From Photodex
| Corporation Cpic16.Exe 12-31-96 V1.52 Build
| 166 This Program Works With Windows 31
CPIC32A.ZIP 661,075 01-03-97 Direct From Photodex Direct From Photodex
| Corporation Cpic32.Exe 12-31-96 V1.52 Build
| 166 This Program Works With Windows Nt and
| With Windows 95.
CTCAL14.ZIP 38,501 12-21-96 Desktop Calendar Ct Calendar Is, Well, A
| Calendar for Your Desktop. We Have Tried to
| Keep it Small Enough to Keep on Your Desktop,
| If You Wish But Large Enough to Read Without
| A Magnifying Glass.
DATDIG.ZIP 1967,530 01-01-97 Data Digger Ver 1.09 is A Simple Windows 95
| Utility That Extracts Data From Corrupted
| Data Files That Cannot be Opened by Their
| Source Application. It is Very Handy and
| Features Easy Setup. Reg Fee: $15.
DBSETUP.ZIP 336,963 10-15-96 Deskbar (32-bit) - Allows You to Create
| Powerful Toolbars in Win95/Nt. It Also
| Provides Nine Special Buttons Which Bring all
| of the Features of the Explorer Shell to Your
| Customized Toolbars.
DCLN13.ZIP 60,972 10-13-96 Docclean V1.3 This Program Was Created to
| Clean the Documents Section of the Start
| Button Upon the Start-up of Windows 95
DD101.ZIP 11,127 11-27-96 W32_util Deep Diver 1.01. Allows You to Open
| Only the Folder You Want, No Matter How Deep
| it Is, Instead of Opening 12 Copies of
| Explorer
DFG_351.ZIP 1750,200 01-16-97 Ad-winut Drag and File Gold V3.51 - W95
| Powerful File *And* Archive Manager for
| Windows 95 & Nt4.0. Copy, Move, Delete, Zip,
| & Unzip Files From Tagged Drives or
| Directories. 2 Different Launch Bars
DH120.ZIP 222,445 01-27-97 Ad-winap Doghouse V1.20 - Win Reminder System
| for Windows. Simple and Intuitive With
| Configurable Advance Warning
DIRECTX3.ZIP 4580,442 11-24-96 Microsoft Directx V3.0 Install Version
DIRNOW_.ZIP 22,986 01-16-97 W32_misc Dirnow! 2.01. Provide A Search
| String, and Up Pops A List of all Directories
| Matching. Requires Vb40032.Dll & Tabctl32.Ocx
DK103.ZIP 106,179 12-31-96 Softarts Deskey the Ultimate Power User's
| Window Manager for Windows 95. Hide/Unhide
| Windows! Save, Apply, Auto Apply Window
| Positions, With Full Shortcut Key and